Wednesday, January 3, 2018



Recap- Be on the lookout for various elements of our lives to fall into place, and it will be right for us to make the changes that we have considered.

There is a time and a season when everything lines up with My will and purposes for you, says the Lord. That time is just ahead of you. Do not lose hope. Ecclesiastes 3:17b "For there is a time for every purpose and for every work." 


Just as we take care to 'fine-tune' our vehicle, we aught FINE-TUNE our SPIRIT. We’ve learned in our SPIRITUAL MATURITY (2) posting that as we focus on growing in spiritual maturity, we are to first commit to reading and meditating on the Word of God and then spiritual adjustments will slowing begin to take place in our hearts and mind.

NEW YEAR: New Year means a FRESH beginning and with new and fresh, we throw out the OLD. 2018 is a new season of mentally and emotionally letting go of things that tie us to the past so that we can move and operate God’s purposes. Understanding that this will require a leap of faith, we are beginning to come into a place of authority and gratification that we have never known. Our life experiences contain numerous moving parts, and each of those parts are coming into position to allow new possibilities. Divinely-opened doors will present opportunities to accomplish what has been beyond our scope of imagination. 

These will be things that we cannot foresee or predict, but we can prepare and position ourselves spiritually by faith to progress when the time is right, says the Lord. Prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight. Mark 1:3b

Trust Me to bring you through this awkward transition with great grace, says the Lord. All WE have to do is be willing and flexible.

And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9a be cont'd

In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

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