Thursday, March 17, 2016


Noah’s Ark
Key Passage: Genesis 6
Preparation for Judgment
Deluge of Judgment
Aftermath of Judgment
Promise of Unrepeated Judgment
Building the Ark
In the Ark
the ark

OVERVIEW       In the course of its rebellion, humanity becomes so sinful that God prepares to execute sentence on the entire race. In grace He directs Noah ̶  a righteous man who walks with God ̶ to build a great barge-like ship in order to escape the coming judgment. Noah obeys God, and while the floodwaters purge the earth, the ark preserves human and animal life for a fresh start. After a safe landing "on the mountains of Ararat" (8:4). God gives new directions and makes new commitments to Noah and his descendants, saying: "I will remember my covenant" (9:15).

OUR DAILY WALK   Just imagine: "You say you get tired of waiting for God to right the wrongs in our day?" Maybe you should quit your job and sign on with Noah & Sons Shipbuilders. They’re short of help, and you will be welcome if you know anything about building triple-decker cargo ships. Nobody’s ever tried this kind of thing before. But Noah is convinced God told him to do it. Says he’s working against a deadline too.

The contract calls for 120 years ̶ no more, no less. Ol’ Noah figures the Lord wants to give people another chance to turn back to Him. God's not in any hurry. That's because He's long-suffering. But the Lord won't
wait forever. When the time comes, it’s going to get real wet around here. God always keeps His word ̶ and just at the right time too.

  Mercy, like the rainbow, never shines after dark. If we refuse mercy here, we shall have justice in eternity.


"You can start by sawing those gopher logs into planks..." Make a list of the faith-inspired steps of obedience that Noah took in chapter 6-9. Noah obeyed God by picking up a hammer and saw. What is God asking you to do today to join Noah’s faithful ranks?

INSIGHT   When Came the Rainbow?

God decreed the rainbow to be a tangible sign of His promise never again to destroy the earth by flood. However, Scripture does not indicate whether the rainbow had previously existed and was then chosen by God as a sign; or whether it was a new phenomenon, suggesting a change climate after the flood.

Playwright Janet Irene Thomas
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

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