Tuesday, May 3, 2016


                 THE WIDE-RANGING INSTITUTION OF                 "THE YEAR OF JUBILEE"

The Jubilees clock began ticking in 1416 BC when the children of Israel entered Canaan. The first Jubilee was 49 years later in 1367 BC. Every 49 years another Jubilee has occurred.   

What are the dates of the 70 Jubilees?

Year - BC  Year - BC  Year - AD  Year - AD  Year - AD

1       1367 15     681   29     6       43     692   57     1378

2       1318 16     632   30     55     44     741   58     1427

3       1269 17     583   31     104   45     790   59     1476

4       1220 18     534   32     153   46     839   60     1525

5       1171 19     485   33     202   47     888   61     1574

6       1122 20     436   34     251   48     937   62     1623

7       1073 21     387   35     300   49     986   63     1672

8       1024 22     338   36     349   50     1035 64     1721

9       975   23     289   37     398   51     1084 65     1770

10     926   24     240   38     447   52     1133 66     1819

11     877   25     191   39     496   53     1182 67     1868

12     828   26     142   40     545   54     1231 68     1917

13     779   27     93     41     594   55     1280 69     1966

14     730   28     44     42     643   56     1329 70     2015

How was the 70 Jubilees proclaimed? 

  • A Trumpet Blast of Liberty  - They were to be proclaimed with sound of trumpet in all parts of the country (Lev. 25:5), both to give notice to all persons of it, and to express their joy and triumph in it; and the word jobel, or jubilee, is supposed to signify some particular sound of the trumpet distinguishable from any other; for the trumpet that gives an uncertain sound is of little service, 1 Cor. 14:8. The trumpet was sounded in the close of the day of atonement; thence the jubilee commenced, and very fitly; when they had been humbling and afflicting their souls for sin, then they were made to hear this voice of joy and gladness, Ps. 51:8. When their peace was made with God, then liberty was proclaimed; for the removal of guilt is necessary to make way for the entrance of all true comfort, Rom. 5:1, 2.

In reference to this solemn Proclamation of the Jubilee, it was 

foretold concerning our Lord Jesus that he should preach the acceptable year of the Lord, Isa. 61:2. He sent his apostles to proclaim it with the trumpet of the everlasting gospel, which they were to preach to every creature. And it stands still foretold that at the last day the trumpet shall sound, which shall release the dead out of the bondage of the grave, and restore us to our possessions.

What was to be done in that year extraordinary?

Besides the common rest of the land, which was observed every sabbatical year (Lev. 25:11, 12), and the release of personal debts (Deut. 15:2, 3), there was to be the legal restoration of every Israelite to all the property, and all the liberty, which had been alienated from him since the last jubilee; so that never was any people so secured in their liberty and property (those glories of a people) as Israel was. Effectual care was taken that while they kept close to God these should not only not be taken from them by the violence of others, but not thrown away by their own folly. ….to be cont’d

Playwright Janet Irene Thomas
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts

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