Among that valiant little band who walked with Jesus during His brief ministry on earth, none is so interesting to us as that "beloved disciple" – as he has ever since been called-John, the son of a fisherman of Galilee.
Jesus loved all his disciples. We may even doubt if He had anything in His heart but pity and compassion for Judas; but to John He gave a large measure of this divine affection.
There were three especially intimate disciples among the twelve, an inner circle mysteriously close to Jesus than the other nine, and these three were John, his brother James, and Peter. Luke tells us that Jesus committed to John and Peter the arrangements for the Last Supper. Peter, John and James alone witnessed the Transfiguration. They alone were present, according to Mark, in the dark hours of Gethsemane.
The Disciple Who Best Understood
The Love and Beauty of Jesus
Although it was to Peter that Jesus confided the charge of His brotherhood, He gave to John the fullest measure of His friendship. Peter could found and manage the brotherhood; it was John who could breathe into it the love and beauty and mystery of the Master. So, we see that John outlived all the other disciples, and _had penetrated the brotherhood, and was secured to all the ages to-do Galilean fisherman named Zebedee, able to hire servants and to live in some ease. John and James, his two sons, probably received some education in their boyhood and certainly from their mother, the pious Salome, they must early and all through life have gained a desire to live closely with God.
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Screen Writer/Director
Published Author/Gospel Lyricist &Producer
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts
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