ACTS 19:15 NIV
I love the WORD of GOD. I love the Work
and the Move of the Holy Spirit within me when I read
Remember Fellow Believers, the fact that the
Bible calls itself the ”word of truth”
(2 Timothy 2:15) and since God can’t
lie (Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18), the Bible is true.
We are anointed with Godly wisdom when we read the Bible and we learn that the Lord is able to do impossible things. Just as He appointed ancient deliverers and empowered them with His Spirit to do exploits, the same Holy Spirit who enabled these deliverers to do exploits and fulfill the Lord’s plans and purposes is at work today.
He desires to move upon His people so that we too can do impossible things. So, how do we get here? John 4:24 tells us: "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him is spirit and in truth".
We are anointed with Godly wisdom when we read the Bible and we learn that the Lord is able to do impossible things. Just as He appointed ancient deliverers and empowered them with His Spirit to do exploits, the same Holy Spirit who enabled these deliverers to do exploits and fulfill the Lord’s plans and purposes is at work today.
He desires to move upon His people so that we too can do impossible things. So, how do we get here? John 4:24 tells us: "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him is spirit and in truth".
In ‘Don’t Try This on
Your Own (1)’ What do we learn from
the seven sons of Sceva?
(1) That success is not as easy as it looks!
These men showed up toward the end of Paul’s career. They weren’t there in the beginning when he
was confronted and humbled on the Damascus Road, then trained for 3½ years in
the Arabian Desert. They were looking
for shortcuts! Because someone writes a book about their success doesn’t mean
you can achieve overnight what it took years of experience to bring them
into. It’s not that God can’t give it to
you quickly. It’s that you need time,
preparation, and in some cases a major overhaul to handle it.
(2) That greater numbers don’t
necessarily mean greater effectiveness! These seven men together couldn’t do
what one Spirit-empowered apostle did.
And their father was one of the chief priests, so they knew how to ‘do church.’ They fit the
description: “Having a form of godliness, but denying its power" (2 Tim 3:5 NIV).
(3) That those around you are not always with you!
Because somebody hangs out with you,
admiring and trying to imitate his ministry – but they had the wrong heart
motives. They were never with him at all! Are you worried about
losing certain people, always trying to keep them happy, wondering how you’d
make it without them? John writes.
"They went out from us…that they
might be made manifest that they were not all of us" (1Jn 2:19). When God removes someone from your life
because they don’t belong, trust Him,
He knows what’s best!
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts
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